Make a donation online via Pathway Project’s Enthuse page which is safe, secure and easy to use. You can find out online giving page on the home page of this very website, and there you will be able to make a one-off, monthly or yearly payment of a value of your choice.

Standing Order
If online isn’t your thing you can arrange with your bank to make a regular payment directly into our bank account.
Please email Amanda Barnard at amandab@pathway-project.co.uk for further details on how to set up a standing order.

You can also send donations via cheque if you prefer. All cheques must be made payable to Staffordshire Pathway Project and you can post them to Hope Centre 3 Quonians Lane Lichfield WS13 7LB, or you can hand deliver cheques if you would rather.

You may feel you would like to leave our organisation something in your will. Making us a part of your will ensures that your money goes to helpline adults and children escape domestic abuse after you are gone. Please consider giving in this way.